I feel like we will be starting to refer to periods of time similar to the characters on the Walking Dead- "what were you doing before the virus?" Before the virus I had big plans to start walking more often, but as our house search became more aggressive during the months as the virus was rapidly closing in on the United States, we spent every available hour either purging our house of unnecessary things, or visiting open houses. Now that things are moving along smooth-ish with all of our paperwork sent out, our house in tip-top shape ready to be put on the market, and with the Coronavirus keeping us at home, I decided to invite my husband Brad along on one of my walks- still maintaining well over 6 feet distance with the general public! Sunday we went to the center of Wickford and found a small path that we had never noticed before called "The Wickford Walk" that roped around the marshes and scrub pine forests that surround the little seaside village. We walked and I snapped some pictures of the marsh to draw later. I am still going to try to make it outside as much as possible in nature in order to combat the cooped-up feeling that I believe is only just beginning.
All I can say about this crisis is that THANK GOODNESS I AM AN ARTIST! Artists are carefully trained to see the beauty in the mundane, to breathe life into the inanimate, and to create something inspiring from the dust of everyday. This week has caused me to think outside the box and figure out how to create with limited resources. I have been frantically putting together assignments for my students to complete at home without knowing if they even have access to paper and pen! I have also been trying to get prepared for a move across the state to the East Bay of Rhode Island, which actually has been going pretty well considering the circumstances- I suddenly am able to have all this time at home to organize, purge and pack for the move! Yesterday while burning a bunch of junk-y furniture in my backyard, I decided to sketch my cats playing in the trees, enjoying the sunshine. I also noticed the first few buds popping up from the ground. I am hoping during all this I can also take the time to do somethings that I have not tried- like using my pasta-maker (still in the box). Stay well, Make Art, Read, and Enjoy!